Video: Ill Camille: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Babs bay area Biz Markie blackmoon colemine records COLORQUEEN common Conway the Machine cypress hill da beatminerz dirty diggs DJ Platurn DJ Premier Eminem eric b Firing Squad Fresh Prince GetBenny Grieselda Gucci Hip Hop Icelandic iLL Camille ishgoswish JAke one Jay Electronica jay z Keese Sama Kendrick Lamar nowaah the flood NYC oakland westside gunn wiz khalifa

DNA got the word from Tajai (Souls of Mischief) during The Sway in the Morning Show (Shade 45) about Los Angeles MC III Camille. She's definitely representing her name to the fullest.
Here's a few words from Abby O'Neill, producer of The Tiny Desk series: 
Los Angeles rapper Ill Camille hooked me during my first trip through her sophomore album, Heirloom. Her lyrical prowess and storytelling were so moving, I immediately reached out to her on Instagram and asked if she would like to perform a Tiny Desk. "Please don't make me cry right now. Tiny Desk!?!? You don't understand. I've been praying on this", she replied. "This (message) made my year and my band is ready!" Ill Camille strays a bit from the hip-hop zeitgeist. She raps about love and family serving as the source of her strength, the importance of self-worth as a woman, and the necessity to nurture oneself from within. That core keeps her secure even when confronted by the despair of poverty and the difficult grind of a young artist. And you can hear all that front and center in her music. Her voice is like a cool drink on a summer's day: smooth, clear and replenishing. Her refreshing self-awareness and raw honesty are inherent in each song, pairing nicely with the jazzy, melodic rhythms provided by her close knit crew of musicians. The first two songs, "Spider's Jam" and "Live it Up," feature long time collaborators of Camille's, Iman Omari and drummer Greg Paul of Inglewood collective The Katalyst. Aneesa Strings, a bassist from the Bay Area, provided the low end foundation while also lending her rich vocals to "Fight On." Also, guesting on this song is fellow L.A. native and emcee Damani Nkosi, who's been rocking with Camille since her debut album, The Pre-Write. The four-song set concluded with the upbeat "Again," an ode to happiness and self-actualization.
Follow III Camille at

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